Science Careers

Communicating Discoveries: The Career of Science Journalism

Author:  Hriday Bhambhvani

In our modern information age, communication of data is rapid, and increasingly innovative and impactful research is being conducted and published at a tremendous rate across the world. Simultaneously, the general public is growing more interested in science, with prominent scientific personalities such as Stephen Hawking being catapulted to fame on a global stage. Science journalists hold a crucial role in this dynamic as they seek to bridge the gap between groundbreaking discoveries and the general public.

Interview With Dr. Nancy Galambos, A Developmental Psychologist

Author:  Jennifer Charlicki

Dr. Nancy Galambos is a developmental psychologist and professor in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Alberta. Much of her recent research is centered around the changes that occur in various social and developmental aspects of our lives in adolescence, early adulthood, and onwards.